The Reading Matrix
Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2002
Developing Academic Reading at Tertiary Level:
A Longitudinal Study Tracing Conceptual Change
This paper describes how classroom
intervention, through developing process awareness
of reading, helped change students' model of reading
with a socially constructed, explicit one. It
then shows the impact the changes in students'
reading models had on their literacy experiences
in other courses of their degree. The twenty-five
participants were native speakers of Cantonese
enrolled in an undergraduate degree in "Contemporary
English Language" at a Hong Kong university.
They attended tutorials every fortnight to discuss
set readings of academic articles and book chapters
for a course entitled "Language and Society".
Data were gathered by audio recording classes,
collating learning journal entries, and conducting
in-depth interviews. The data were inductively
analyzed to find emerging themes following a reiterative
process of substantiating and elaborating the
themes. Initially students considered word-for-word
decoding the only way to read, and as they were
shown how to read selectively and purposefully,
students' implicit models of 'good' reading became
increasingly explicit in which reading was seen
as an active process entailing complex interactions
between readers, writers and text. However, data
also showed that such process models of reading
needed contextual support if they were to have
a role in students' literacy experiences outside
the sheltered ESL classroom.
Increasingly it is being argued that literacy
is socially mediated and developed (See for example,
Zamel and Spack, 1998; Hasan and Williams, 1996;
Lankshear, and McLaren, 1993). Academic literacy
evolves as the learners' understanding of the
role literacy events (reading and writing) play
within their academic contexts becomes clearer
with constant interaction between reader and writer,
an interaction mediated through the texts and
discourses within a community (Luke and Freebody,
1997). The interactive mental processes student
readers use to make meaning of a text are socially
mediated by their experiences of appropriating
the texts they read, discuss, and make their own
as they write (Lotman, 1988; Wertsch, 1998). These
social and mental processes could be brought home
to students through making them question the models
of reading they implicitly hold and helping them
trace their own development as literate adults.
But how does such critical awareness impact on
their evolving academic literacy beyond the sheltered
ESL environment?
In this paper I chart the literacy development
of five groups of L2 learners in a Hong Kong tertiary
institution. I will demonstrate how implicit models
of L2 reading become explicit through classroom
intervention and the ways in which students' awareness
impacts (or fails to impact) on their literacy
development. The focus of this paper is to report
the findings from a study that attempted to see
how the process approach in the ESL reading classroom
change students' evolving models of reading within
the classroom and whether this change goes beyond
the ESL classroom. Such a focus will provide important
information because studies in reading do not
tell us the full impact of strategy-related instruction
on the students' literacy development. Research
into the nature of academic reading of content
subjects (typically extended reading of long texts)
for L2 tertiary students is not common in the
ESL literature. This is surprising since a majority
of L2 learners need to read a vast amount of text
for their academic courses and may need help with
the reading of long texts and the assimilation
of information from a variety of sources.
In order to help our students, we need to know
how the new strategies and pedagogies impinge
on the ways in which students approach reading
in other academic subjects and whether making
students' implicit models of reading explicit
is going to change students' reading experiences
in the real-life academic context. As Leki (1995)
points out, we need 'broader looks not only at
their English classes but at their lives as they
negotiate their way through higher education once
they step outside the safe threshold of the ESL
classroom' (Leki, 1995:236). Such a broader look
would enable ESL teachers to examine the force
of our individual theories in our classrooms.
The description in this paper constitutes a narrative
of (students') experience. The importance of such
reporting of ESL students' experiences has been
characterised by Leki and Carson (1997) as an
initial step in the direction of learning more
about literacy development. This 'story' is re-told
here in the belief that student experiences and
student interpretations of these experiences form
the core of the educational enterprise. But while
as a narrative the story belongs to the learners,
it is told by the researcher and thus it is inevitably
an individual and in a sense 'inauthentic' representation.
For this reason the genre of this research report
should be seen as a combination of 'realist' and
'multivocal' texts (see Canagarajah, 1996). The
study was conducted in an extended academic content
reading classroom in which strategy-related pedagogy
was combined with extensive content-based reading
and prototypical tasks such as summarizing, presentation
and discussion.
Academic reading
Academic reading is complex, multi-level and different
from other kinds of reading. Based on the course
described below and the existing literature, I
defined academic reading as purposeful and critical
reading of a range of lengthy academic texts for
completing the study of specific major subject
areas. Academic reading is extended reading of
a range of texts varying in length. Unlike the
regular definition of extensive reading as close
reading (see Leki, 2001:202), academic extended
reading requires:
both extensive and intensive reading of texts
that are discipline-specific,
careful synthesizing of material from a number
of sources (Carrell and Carson, 1997) and
consciously finding authorial intentions and purposes
(Huckin and Flower, 1990).
Spack (1993) points out that academic reading
is often a process of actively engaging with what
is read, gleaning information and then fitting
this information by thinking things through and
finally being able to interpret the content flexibly
to suit the purposes of the academic writing assignment.
However, in spite of the commonalties, exactly
what counts as academic reading is subject to
Reading research and pedagogy
Reading is a highly interactive phenomenon (Carrell
et al, 1997). This interaction takes place through
the activity of reading, which is itself a complex
interplay between local level bottom-up strategies
(identification of meaning from the level of word
upwards) and increasingly more global levels of
top-down, higher order mental processes and background
knowledge (see Singhal,
2001 for a full discussion).
The interactions that develop literacy are often
brought in through strategy-related instruction
- essentially a process approach to reading which
goes beyond a simple set of strategies. It includes
knowledge about the processes and actions involved
in reading as well as knowledge about how to monitor
these processes. As Grabe (1991) puts it, metacognitive
awareness in reading involves a number of abilities.
One element in this process approach to reading
is monitoring of cognition which entails an active,
engaged and critical process of recognizing problems
with information presented in texts and in this
process understanding one's own comprehension
problems. However, such an approach would need
to situate the process within the social domain
in order to be effective. Luke and Freebody's
(1997) argue that "..It (reading) is about
developing ways of seeing through texts, their
descriptions of cultures and worlds, and how they
are trying to position you to be part of these
cultures and worlds" (1997: 219). Reading
texts is therefore always necessarily a "complex
conjoining of "word" and "world",
"text" and "context". (Green,
1997: 231). Therefore, the process approach would
need to teach reading strategies with reference
to the overall social contexts of the texts that
students read.
The process approach followed in the L2 reading
classroom might make readers aware of the available
reading strategies (Carrell, Pharis and Liberto,
1989). Indeed if suitably contextualised, L2 students
could become aware of how these strategies could
be used to read purposefully, actively and critically
(Auerbach and Paxton, 1997; Kasper, 1994). Auerbach
and Paxton (1997), for example, using narrative
texts on literacy development, show that a process
approach to reading leads to growing awareness,
choice and control thus influencing the fundamental
beliefs about reading. This paper starts with
the notion of beliefs.
Internal models of reading
Beliefs about reading constitute each reader's
'epistemology of text' (Wineberg, 1991), which
is invoked to mediate the relationship between
the reader, writer and text (Wineberg, 1991 ;
Schraw and Bruning, 1996). Different epistemologies,
which imply different models of reading, may include
a diverse set of beliefs and assumptions, from
readers' assumptions about their roles as readers
(Schraw and Bruning, 1996) to their self-perception
of their reading ability (Shell et al. 1989).
Different epistemologies can lead to different
internal models of reading which predispose readers
to read the same text differently.
Such models may well be shaped by the social and
educational contexts in which readers function.
Smagorinsky and O'Donnell-Allen (1998) found in
their study of a literature group's reading of
Hamlet that reading is a 'continually mediated
process in which the context provides constraints
that limit, channel and enable readers' ways of
thinking about, talking about and representing
the meaning they impute to the written sign' (Smagorinsky
and O'Donnell-Allen, 1998:221).
These internal models are implicit for most readers.
Schraw and Bruning (1996), using an 800-word narrative
text and a questionnaire with university learners,
found two types of implicit models in their study:
the transmission/translation model, where the
emphasis is on 'getting' the author's meaning,
and the transactional model, which involves the
reader in actively 'constructing' a text's meaning.
Schraw and Bruning's (1996) definitions of implicit
models arise from work done into reader response
and are based on readers' beliefs about texts
and their engagement with texts. They argue that
the implicit models are influenced by three factors:
experiential, sociocultural and formal instructional.
Extending internal models of reading through
A reader's epistemology may be shaped and extended
in the ESL reading classroom through metacognitive
strategy training. Such awareness is an essential
component of L2 reading pedagogy (Singhal, 2001),
although reported research often only discusses
how metacognitive awareness has helped both L1
and L2 readers' comprehension of short texts (Carrell,
1989; Nist and Mealey, 1991; Garner, 1987). For
example, Carrell, Pharis and Liberto (1989) have
shown the beneficial effect of the inclusion of
comprehension-fostering explicit metacognitive
training. However, some studies have looked at
more extensive academic reading. Kasper (1994)
reports the beneficial effect of a pedagogic approach
that set out to pair academic ESL reading and
content reading (i.e. an adjunct model of content-based
instruction) in which one course complemented
the other. Similarly Auerbach and Paxton (1997)
demonstrate the value of strategy-related instruction
where students become action researchers studying
their own reading processes. These studies set
the scene for taking reading research beyond the
reading classroom and studying what happens in
the arena of general academic reading at tertiary
The study
The course
The students in this study were enrolled
in a Bachelor of Arts degree in "Contemporary
English Language"; the degree course included
a course on "Language and Society" (L&S)
which was taught in one three-hour lecture a week,
supported by tutorials. The lecturer-in-charge
had set a textbook (Holmes, 1992), a reading list
of 14 articles and book chapters (see Appendix
1), and an outline of the tasks for the tutorials.
The tutor was expected to provide skills-based
language support. According to the tutorials outline,
the first two meetings were to focus on general
reading of one article and one book chapter (see
Appendix 1 for excerpt
from guidelines), and in subsequent tutorial
meetings three texts were assigned for each of
three meetings. Of these three texts each student
had to choose one for presentation and one for
discussion. Students were expected to read the
texts at home and give a short 10-minute presentation
of each text, to be followed by a brief discussion
of 5-10 minutes.
At the beginning of semester the author (as tutor)
met with a few students informally and realized
that they had not received any strategy-related
instruction in secondary school or in their BA
course, although it included a module named "Practical
English Skills" (PES). I requested and received
permission from the lecturer to introduce any
aspect of reading as long as the basic outline
was followed. The teaching plan started with developing
purposive and selective reading strategies to
help students recognize the salient features of
a text, its authorial intentions, and to produce
a gist of the text. This gist then lead to a reading
plan, i.e. which parts of the text had to be read
carefully, depending on the purpose for reading.
In the tutorial the purposes included presenting
a paper and discussing it, linking the ideas in
different papers and questioning the main theme
of the paper presented. Outside the tutorial,
the purpose was to glean information for writing
and discussion tasks assigned for the lectures.
Tutorials 1 and 2 consisted solely of strategy-related
tasks such as making a reading plan, constructing
a gist while tutorials 3-5 consisted of presentations
of assigned articles. In every session there were
discussions of the articles read and the reading
processes used to understand the writer's main
arguments, e.g. strategies used, the reasons for
any difficulties encountered, lessons learnt for
writing assignment, and so on.
The sample
The sample consisted of twenty-five (23 females
and 2 males) first year tertiary students completing
a degree in "Contemporary English Language".
All the students were native speakers of Cantonese,
and all had received a grade C or D in the Use
of English public examination in which a C is
a credit and a D is considered an above average
grade. Such grades were a prerequisite for entry
into the BA degree. The tutorials were not remedial
but compulsory for all year 1 students completing
the degree. They were of intermediate proficiency
and eager to talk and participate in the tutorial.
The freedom of the university after the strict
discipline of secondary school was still a novelty
and they were ready to criticize and question.
They had considerable demands on their time and
the tutorial was not high on their list of priorities.
No grades were given at the tutorial. They described
their previous tutorial in the first semester
as 'relaxing'. According to the students a typical
tutorial consisting of reading out parts - discussing
the difficult words and breaking up long sentences.
Against this backdrop of their tutorial experience,
some students were resistant to change initially
(see Themes in the first lesson below) and some
may not have taken the input seriously. I had
told the students that I wished to systematically
study the effect of an exciting new way of 'reading'
and received lukewarm support. At the end, however,
all wanted to provide data and a majority (22)
said that they had realized that they were 'not
bad' readers.
Research questions and methodology
The study, aiming to examine how students develop
rhetorical consciousness through process-oriented
reading instruction (Sengupta, 2000) started out
with two research questions. Firstly, I attempted
to find out how student readers revise their implicit
models of reading when these models become explicit
as a result of process-oriented reading instruction.
The data consisted of randomly audio-taped classroom
lessons and field notes of all lessons, tutor's
reflection evaluation of the class before and
after listening to classroom tapes, and common
points in student journal entries.
The data were transcribed and multiple columns
with data from all sources created (see Green,
Franquiz and Dixon, 1997) (see Appendix 2 for
an example). Then recursive reading of the data
helped me to identify the thematic clusters. Themes
referred to the primary topic threads in an exchange
and arose from the initial parameters that were
set in studying models of reading. It was necessary
to limit the concept of models of reading and
based on prior research the following parameters
were initially adopted to guide the themes:
- The focus of attention (word
or meaning ), following Devine, 1988;
- Meaning, reader and writer
arising from social constructionist tenets;
- Engagement with text, following
Schraw and Bruning, 1996, and Wineberg, 1991.
However, in identifying the themes,
these parameters had to be revised as a result
of the inductive nature of the analyses. A research
assistant also independently performed the thematic
analysis (see Appendix 3). On the basis of the
analyses, conclusions were drawn about changes
in the students' models of academic reading.
A second question, arising from the research process
itself, examined how students describe the impact
of their changing models of reading on their academic
life more generally, a context in which widespread
reading is an unavoidable reality (Spack, 1997).
I conducted in-depth interviews with nine of the
twenty-five students almost six weeks after the
last lessons in order to answer the question:
How do student readers who report substantial
changes in their models of reading within a sheltered
classroom see the impact of the change on their
academic reading habit in general?
The 9 interviewees were chosen randomly from 22
volunteers. My aim was described to students at
the time of setting up interviews as wanting to
have an informal discussion of reading and university
life. The key questions concerned the kinds of
reading that they had done in Year 1 in all of
their courses, and whether they had tried to use
their ideas about reading as expressed in the
tutorials. After describing their reading habits,
all were shown the major themes that had emerged
(see Appendix 4), and they explained their perceptions
of the differences between reading in the tutorial
and reading for other content courses. The audio
tapes of the interviews were fully transcribed
and themes detected on the basis of multiple reading
by two independent readers. Common themes were
added to the list of themes (arising from the
transcribed lesson) wherever appropriate, but
given the distinct focus of the interviews, a
number of new themes emerged.
Interviews with the same nine students were conducted
once again 18 months later on exactly similar
lines as above. The aim was to see whether there
were further changes in the reading models towards
more active reading or whether the student readers
had reverted back to their original models of
Methodological theory and design
The study is situated within an interpretative
framework in that it explores alternative ways
of knowing (see Pierce, 1995; Davis, 1995). This
interpretative research essentially depended on
self-reported interview data to answer the second
research question. We must be mindful that interview
and classroom data are typically biased, as students
are likely to say what they think is expected
of them, especially to the teacher. This bias
was minimized by the fact that interviews were
conducted after the formal end of the semester
and thus the students did not need to 'please'
the researcher in any way as I was no longer teaching
Findings: How implicit models became
Themes found in the transcript of the first
In order to understand the conceptual change,
it would be interesting for readers to see what
kinds of primary topic threads or themes were
found in the data of the first lesson. Reading
was seen as a linear additive process of reading
the words, then the sentences, and so on from
beginning to end by all participants. This narrow
definition of reading has the following characteristics:
Linear process of reading: Everyone said that
they started at the beginning and read page by
page because that is how reading is supposed to
be done.
Word-centred definition of meaning: Meaning was
mentioned mainly at the word and sentence level
although on questioning ideas were also mentioned.
A typical exchange below shows this definition.
T: So you feel that
vocab is your main problem?
S1: Yes - for all of us - yes?
S2: Yes but also other problems - but
most difficult vocabulary.
S1: Ya the ideas are difficult - new
- but if I understand the words.
S3: Also sentences..
S1: Ya sentences - then I understand.
Ss: yes - I agree - right.
T: But Jan (S1) you mentioned idea
- so what about say trying to get a picture
of the main idea in the article?
S3: How can I get a picture before
I read? I must read the pages.
(Major themes in bold and another speaker
taking over signified by '
') T= tutor,
S =student
Reader's responsibility is to
get the information and not engage with the text:
The reader was seen as solely responsible for
'getting' the meaning by decoding words and sentences.
The readers' job in academic reading was to get
the information, and upon questioning, a purpose
was articulated, e.g. remember it for tests, presentations
and assignments as the following classroom exchange
illustrates. The writer was not mentioned.
S5: I
have to understand what the passage is - it
is my job. So I have to look at the dictionary
for all the difficult words and maybe
make some notes or highlight
T: What do you highlight?
S1: Important parts.
T: Important ideas? So you highlight
important ideas - not new words? How do you
know that it is important?
S1: I - we know. Because there are
main points in a passage. If I can understand
the sentences and the new words
- then then I can understand the important
T: But you are reading a chapter or
a paper - everything might be important -
S2: But I need to do something-I don't
know - summary - so I underline the article
T: Okay so you do not need to understand
the whole passage as long as your purpose
is served - like as long as you can summarise
or do whatever you are asked to do
(primary themes in bold and another speaker
taking over signified by '
') T= tutor,
S =student
Reading process was perceived
as entirely bottom-up: However, on probing, two
top-down strategies were mentioned: guessing word
meanings and skipping a paragraph with an obvious
example. Yet when asked, 'Don't you want to know
what the article is about?', the usual answer
was that one needed to read the article carefully
to know what it was about.
Confidence was seen as low for academic reading:
Although most said they were quite good at comprehension
exercises in PES, their perceived problems concerned
technical vocabulary and the length and sentence
structure of the reading text, but not a lack
of knowing how to read purposively.
The themes from the first lesson,
arising from the data of all groups (25 students)
constructed after the first meeting, are presented
below. The themes within the initial models arising
from the first lesson are ranked, with common
issues within each theme shown in brackets:
- 45% of themes concerned vocabulary,
which was seen as the most important element
in reading. (Unfamiliar and technical words
were problematic so students needed to look
up them up frequently in the dictionary.)
- 30% of themes related to the
perception that sentences were another, almost
equally central aspect of reading. (Complex
content requires that all sentences are understood;
sentences in academic texts were difficult to
process as they contained too much embedding
of new ideas.)
- 22% of themes were related
to getting the 'correct' meaning in terms of
memorizing, recalling and understanding their
content and 20% were directly connected with
either vocabulary or sentence structure.
- Only 3% concerned the important
idea but vocabulary, sentences and 'accurate'
meaning were always closely related with this.
These themes were substantiated by the journals.
In the journals most wrote about understanding
important words though nobody mentioned how
the importance of a word was determined. The
themes indicated a tremendous respect for the
written word - the texts. At the end of the
lesson, for every group I asked a common question,
"Do you sometimes read these articles
and chapters - and think that this is not true
- this is rubbish - I disagree?" This
question met with incredulity, much amusement
and the most common response was, "But
it is in a book - it is written".
The evolving model
In the second lesson another major theme emerged,
namely 'writer', which was added to the network
of themes. The following extract shows this
theme (bold), with '
' signifying another
speaker taking over:
S4: See the writer
was trying to talk about open..
T: Wait a minute - you thought the
writer was trying to.. ?
S4: talk about open and close system?
Here (points) - but then in all the
S3: ya right - I think this chapter
is difficult because I cannot don't know..
S4: ..know why he write about this
- I don't understand why this part..
S2: because this is his (he? - confirms
with T) work - see he quotes himself.
T: Cites - yes. But please - do you
feel like asking the writer why this info?
T= tutor, S =student
All subsequent meetings started
with the presentation of texts and their discussion.
However, often a presentation focused as much
on the content of the text as on the writer's
ability to write a reader-friendly text and the
reader's process of getting to the summary content
for presentation and discussion. The ensuing debates
were often heated when two student readers may
have arrived at different interpretation of a
single text. By now the class were calling the
kinds of selective purposive reading promoted
in the class as 'lazy' reading as the idea of
thinking through was considered "lazy"
in comparison with laboured working out of subjects
and embedding in each paragraph. The data shown
in Table 1, illustrates the themes in bold, showing
some of this change. Here we see students questioning
Labov and looking at the rhetorical functions
of textual information. Students were grappling
with the central idea in a reading text in spite
of the fact that they had not really understood
all the arguments. The realization of the themes
within the text is in bold and classroom processes
are indicated in curly brackets.

In the above data we see the student readers beginning
to challenge the writers, attempting to make meanings
individually and even resorting to evaluations
of writer's texts. We also see, within the second
theme in Table 1 (entitled 'vocabulary/dictionary')
that the apparent move away from vocabulary and
other concerns may be only a way of meeting my
(the teacher's) expectations.
The new themes resulting from these lessons were
interesting in that the writers and their texts
were taking centre stage - yet the themes that
were central to the word-bound model had not been
relinquished; instead, they had merely been relocated
as both the journals and classroom discussions
indicated. This is understandable since vocabulary
and sentence structure are real concerns within
the L2 reading context and just because students
had started to think about the writers and interpret
their texts in their individual ways, the perceptions
regarding the importance of the initial themes
(sentence, vocabulary) did not change.
The change was in the way students were interpreting
the texts, with each student bringing individual
elements to it. For example, one student wrote
in her journal after the fourth lesson:
'What did I learn about reading this time? I am
quite surprised. I understood all the words (even
the word ethnography - which I looked up in a
Chinese-English dictionary) and sentences but
still I do not understand the article. I feel
so frustrated.'
Vocabulary and sentences were often minimally
mentioned in class at this stage but were apparent
in the journals. Student models extended beyond
the obvious themes - as one writer wrote in her
journal: 'Reading lesson becomes a challenging
time now.' So if we look at the themes in the
'explicit' process models arising from the final
lesson, ranked, with the common issues within
each theme shown in brackets, we see a considerable
- 78% of themes concerned the
writer/meaning/reader combination in terms of
writer's purpose or ability/inability to make
the main points clear. Of these themes, 18%
included an evaluation of the writer, e.g. agreeing
with the writer's point of view. 45% of these
themes explicitly related to the texts the writers
wrote, which was seen as the most important
element in reading, highlighting structural
parts such as introduction and conclusion, or
linguistic features such as signals (see Sengupta,
2000). 32% of themes mentioned reader purpose.
- 14% of themes mentioned reader's
process and sometimes background knowledge.
- 8% of the themes still mentioned
vocabulary and sentence-level complexities.
Of course, one may say that these
were themes fed to the students in class - and
that is essentially true. However, the above themes
were part of natural classroom discussion and
journal entries (for example, 8% on vocabulary
and sentence structure were largely arising from
the journals). At this stage my role was becoming
more managerial in seeing that everyone was involved.
Sometimes concepts or relevance were explained
but the presentations and discussions were lead
and sustained by the students themselves. In-depth
interviews provided further evidence to support
this new process model of reading in which the
readers' focus seemed to have shifted to meaning
and readers not only 'got' the meaning, as articulated
at the beginning, but indeed actively made meaning
by engaging in questioning the writers' text and
ideas. This latter finding lends support to similar
findings of other studies such as Auerbach and
Paxton (1997), who report, 'Whereas before they
saw their task as taking meaning from a text,
at the end of the course they talked about how
they brought their own thinking to a text' (Auerbach
and Paxton, 1997:48). Similar to the experience
of Auerbach and Paxton (1997), these lessons were
steeped in texts, their writers and readers -
with raising rhetorical awareness as the aim,
naturally the discussions took on a definite flavour.
It is clear that themes that surfaced in the last
lesson were not remotely envisaged ten weeks earlier
at the beginning of the tutorials. But what was
novel was that these students, who had expressed
such respect for the written text and such lack
of confidence as readers, had started to challenge
the texts read and critique the way information
was presented and argued. They were daring to
question Labov!
I started questioning whether
as a result of these critical encounters with
texts over a relatively short period of time,
these students were able to extend their models
this far or was this a clever ploy to give me
what I wanted? As the teacher I needed to know
whether there was a different model at work outside
the confines of the ESL tutorial and my watchful
Findings: The impact of the changing model
beyond the ESL classroom
During the classroom discussions, I often asked
about reading situations beyond the L&S classroom
and the answers were not encouraging. Although
three learners had mentioned in their journals
the possibility of the reading lesson making other
lessons easy, no student mentioned active construction
of meaning or challenging the written word in
the reading texts assigned in other courses.
In the interviews there were a
number of combinations of multiple themes, including,
for example, writer-reader interaction/use of
vocabulary or sentence structure to create an
effect. The data seemed to indicate some breadth
in the description of reading in that even when
talking about reading beyond the L&S classroom,
the narrow description of word-for-word reading
that typified the first lesson was not apparent.
Although 7 of the 9 interviewees reported that
they did try to get a feel of the texts they read
by looking at the pages and /or subheadings or
reading the beginning (introduction) and/ or end
(conclusion) first, that is where the impact of
the process model stopped operating and they resorted
to passive word-for-word reading rather than active
questioning and linking of information.
Risk taking
One central theme pertained to the 'risk' factor
that students perceived in connection with active
readiing. They believed that their teachers demanded
word-for-word reading and 'correct' meaning, though
not one of the nine who were interviewed could
remember if the teachers had specifically asked
for such reading. Two interviewees explained that
from the way teachers reacted to 'wrong' answers
and the way the grades suffered, it was clear
that there was a 'correct' meaning in the teacher's
mind. These in-depth interviews pointed to three
major interrelated categories within the theme
of 'risk-taking'. Firstly, students saw their
reading as high-stake and thus lacked the confidence
to evaluate and engage; secondly, they felt that
their learning of reading had taught them to regurgitate
rather than engage and question and finally, they
believed that teachers expected a right interpretation.
These categories further explained the learners'
reluctance to be more active outside the classroom
(see figure 1).
It appears that an active engagement
with the writer of a given text was only a feature
of the L&S classroom because this was expected
- thus a separate model was at work there. However,
within the larger educational context active engagement
with the writer was seen as an unnecessary risk
because the students' agreement and evaluation
was not sought by their teachers. It is interesting
that such a view was expressed since a random
check of assignments set in all courses for year
one showed that critical evaluation was usually
demanded as students were often asked to critically
comment on language data or review articles. However,
applied linguists working in various disciplinary
areas have started to question whether faculty
expectations are made (and, in fact, can be made)
completely clear to students (see, for example,
Spinks, 1996 as cited in Candlin and Plum, 1999;
Candlin and Plum, 1999). It is possible, even
likely, that the meaning of 'analysis' or 'discussion'
- words frequently featured in assignments - need
to be elaborated and supported with examples in
order to shape student perceptions of what is
expected and valued by the discipline (see Atkinson,
These students believed that with
their background knowledge it was unrealistic
to expect that they will 'correctly' interpret
a text and identify possible problems with it
(see Carrell, 1988). One interviewee said: 'You
know it was good the way we talked about these
writers - but they are the - the - big people.
If we think they are wrong then - what do you
think? You think I am wrong - I have poor English
and cannot understand.' Three interviewees went
so far as to say that they were glad that active
reading was not required because then they could
not 'memorize' or 'quote', with one interviewee
observing that, 'lazy reading was not lazy at
all'. It is true that with evolving knowledge
a critical stance may be easier to adopt. However,
it might also be necessary for content teachers
and ESL teachers alike to constantly draw their
students' attention to the kinds of links that
they can make across the texts they read and the
ways in which each text builds on or brings into
tension the existing knowledge they have. In the
L&S tutorials this was made possible through
constant critical comparison of texts, and that
may have been the reason why purposive reading
was reportedly done by the readers for this particular
Changing models due to changes in expectations
Within the larger academic context, at year 1,
these learners saw a clear role for gleaning every
possible morsel of information from the texts
set for reading, remember as much of this information
as possible and then regurgitate it in their assignments
and tests. Their models of reading were largely
influenced by their lives as students, leading
them to continue with their original models of
reading (albeit in a slightly modified form by
including writer, reader and text quite superfluously),
with the models articulated in the L&S class
being kept aside as a practical alternative. Similar
to Spack's (1997) and Leki's (1995) participant/s,
these learners' most pressing concern was managing
competing demands within the constraints imposed
by a second language as well as the countless
other demands on their time. Risk taking was not
seen as worthwhile beyond the comfort of the L&S
classroom since it would, they felt, neither be
appreciated nor expected.
In the subsequent interviews I
discovered that the process model had indeed emerged
over time by interviewing the same nine students
in their Year 3, eighteen months after the study.
All reported that a very similar model to the
L&S model taught earlier had emerged - engaged
purposive reading was reported with rare mention
of vocabulary or sentence structure. The themes
did not include vocabulary or sentence structure
at all. Students were now talking about reading
in a very different language. The reader must
note that at this stage of their degree the students
were completing a dissertation. Their purpose
of finding literature supporting or relating to
the dissertation was the major theme. There was
description of how a general gist is made of all
the texts that seem to be relevant and how only
a handful are selected through critical evaluation
of the writers and their texts.
Yet it was the context of Year
3 of their degree, in which they had to write
a dissertation and read in order to get their
ideas clear, which seemed to have extended the
model taught previously in the Language and Society
(L&S) module to their academic experience
more generally. Six of the nine students interviewed
seemed to think that it was possible to read in
this way because of their past experience in L&S
while the other three had to be asked if the work
in L&S in their Year 1 had helped, the students
having totally forgotten their work in the L&S
To summarize, by the end of year 1, the implicit
models, that were predominantly word-focused as
Devine (1988) would call them, had undergone changes
only within the confines of the L& S classroom.
Meaning, reader and writer were themes that were
identified within the later classroom data and
these themes continually mediated all discussions
of the process. Yet as noted by Smagorinsky and
O'Donnell-Allen (1998) the context, in this case
the readers' perception of the teacher and course
expectations, initially provided constraints that
limited and somewhat disabled readers' ways of
reading and thinking about reading. Yet at the
end, it was their "reading" of the expectations
and the nature of the assignments that extended
the conceptual change. This very fact led me to
question whether there are transmission or transactional
models that are a fixed entity in student readers'
epistemology, especially when these models become
explicit or if the explicit model itself is continually
shaped and reshaped by what we teachers ask them
to do.
This experience of changing beliefs about reading,
however, raises a set of new questions: Firstly,
should I have taught literacy behaviours that
could be sustained by the context and not imposed
my theoretical beliefs on the first year students?
The answer to this question depends on a related
question: How do we frame our instruction in literacy
development? Personally I felt that the study
showed progress towards developing an informed
model of reading. The reader may ask if I was
trying to do a disservice to my students by getting
them to think about meaning as a reader-based
evolving construct? The answer to that question
is 'no'. I was familiar with the curriculum as
this was a Bachelor's degree course offered by
my own Department. I knew that there was a strong
emphasis on seeing discourse as socially constructed
and I felt that I was preparing my students to
take the critical stance that colleagues lamented
was missing in our students' work. Unfortunately,
my students did not see this emphasis at the initial
stage of their study. In retrospect, I would agree
that students' context of learning should have
featured more prominently in that they should
have been helped to see how tertiary educational
demands go beyond their experience of reading
in secondary schools. As teachers we may need
to take students to new ways of knowing but unless
the courses we offer fully support these ways,
it may be a questionable venture.
Secondly, how far should we
be slaves to our educational context? Schraw
and Bruning's (1996) argument that the implicit
model is influenced by three contextual factors,
experiential, sociocultural and formal instructional
seemed to hold even when the implicit became
explicit. From experience these students, at
their first year, felt that critical, purposive
and engaged reading was an option that their
formal-instructional context would not support.
Freshly arriving from an examination-oriented
secondary educational culture, they were not
ready to take the risk of constructing their
own knowledge, Schraw and Bruning's (1996) transmission
model was by far the easiest model slightly
modified with a dash of transactional element.
Yet transactional elements took centre stage
with the changing demands of the formal instructional
setting. So should the students have benefited
from a more contextually appropriate offering
of these ideas? Or do these findings demand
that we take more serious note of our context
as suggested by Leki and Carson (1997) and deliberately
manipulate the context in order to sustain in
our students an 'epistemology of text' (Wineberg,
1991) that is involved and socially constructed?
As Hasan (1996: 410) points
out, "If literacy is what education is
about, and education is supposed to be truly
egalitarian, and if the aim of education is
to enable participation in the production of
knowledge - and not just reproduction - then
it follows that we would need to develop in
all pupils the ability to reflect, to enquire,
to analyse and to challenge" (my highlights).
And if indeed education is about critical engagement,
we see from this exploratory study that teaching
critical engagement may result in apparently
superficial conceptual change that can only
be fully sustained by critically changing the
context. Yet in the changes we see that the
students can go beyond the imposed contextual
constraints, if only they are helped with appropriate
pedagogical support.
Acknowledgment: I am grateful
to Dwight Atkinson for his insightful comments
and useful suggestions for revising this paper.
I wish to thank my colleagues, Liz Hamp-Lyons
and Martin Warren, who have read and commented
on earlier versions of this paper.
Sima Sengupta teaches
English language at the Department of English,
in the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong.
Her research interests lie in literacy development
at the tertiary level and teacher education.
She is currently involved in providing and
researching language support to university
teachers. |
1 This paper reports research
funded by a Departmental Research Grant from the
Department of English, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
i They had learnt the skills of skimming or scanning.
They did not know when to skim or scan and how
to use skimming, scanning, in conjunction with
other strategies.
ii Sound-centred meanings were ignored as there
was no reading aloud involved.