
Appendix: 2 (Excerpts from straight transcript and data table)
First lesson (group 6) All 5 present (S1: T; S2: J; S3: M; S4: P; S5: L): Straight transcript

Transcript tr16 Themes underlined (double underline= started by tutor Field notes Tutor evaluation Journal (only 4)
S1: … understand but you say something new (explains in Cantonese to others)

R: So what is it do you think I'm trying to say?

S4: We should not think of words - difficult words - but only the main ideas?

R: Ya not just words - at the beginning we can try to get an overall idea

S5: But I think to get the overall idea I also need to understand the words - here if I don't understand "interruption behaviour" (points to text) how can I get idea?

S2: But I think I can guess if I read a little more - I think I can try to get the idea
T (S1) can be a "persuader"
Discourage rigid shd

Or genuine q?
Do not encourage wild gu

Piaget's disequilibrium?
Try not to devalue the importance of words -especially these words
Next lesson get some bottom-up work done
read Amy's
T is "excited" - excellent line on dangers of guessing - must share with all groups
L is scathing - she thought it was a waste of time
J feels challenged - careful may take to easy guessing

Data table (with themes identified)

Transcript Bullets indicate the primary theme (tr16) Lesson 1 grp6 Field notes Tutor evaluation Journal (only 4 of 5)
  • Vocabulary/sentences/ideas ( pre-questionnaire discussion)

S3: So many new words - heteroglossia - diglossia

S4: Ya also some words like stereo - stereo - I don't know how to pronounce

R: Of course you know - someone help her

S5: Stereotypical (Cantonese). These are not common words you know like reading or have

S1: And even in PES - vocab is a problem - sometimes we don't know what words in the question mean - you know -so, how can we find an answer?

R: But if you know the word you can FIND the answer? How?

  • Vocabulary/sentences/ideas ( post-questionnaire discussion)

S3: How can I get a picture before I read the words? I must read the pages. -----

S2: So are you saying vocabulary is a small problem?

R: Hey you guys are good - nothing is a real problem - you can solve all problems - ho ye - but I am saying that what else do you do when you read?

S5: We read the words and the sentences and paragraphs (Cantonese mutter)

  • Vocabulary/sentences/ideas (pre-task)

S3: But see here I do not know what this means

S4: Also this - methodology - what is it - I do not really understand

R: Okay after you do the task you will define what each part is about- I'll help

  • Vocabulary/sentences/ideas (post-task discussion)

S5: I think that so far not many difficult words - but I don't finish

S1: No I think quite difficult - I only copy this in the diagram but what is it?

R: Okay let us see what it is - let's read the sentence before & after first-


Vocab - same as others

L quite confident - rigid??
FIND - yep

Resistance? Genuine qs?

Don't problematize!!

Annoyed? Or just her way?

Not anticipated but okay - worth spending time



I should have empathised with the vocab problems

This is an astute girl - shdve talked abt content words etc. Why not focus on vocab??
I needed to recognize the problem posed by vocabulary and build on it. But I don't wanna - I want to free the chains of vocab
Was I pushing my own agenda?

Caution!! Build in recognition type work in next lesson - get vocab activity
Remember to talk about findings/ discussion and concl - not

Vocab and sentences mentioned by all 5
Technical vocab: 3

L says she has not many reading problems - q gd at PES
2 comment on all kinds of reading

Complex sentences: 4 but para not mentioned
Ideas not mentioned - understand mentioned

M (S3) mentions not knowing 3 times in 3 sentences
3: disc of structure v useful
L is confident but not as good at writing -but long journal

Appendix 3: Excerpt of instructions for thematic analysis

Further to our discussion - this is how the thematic analysis should be done. Consult the chapter on the data analysis of interviews from Kvale's book.

  1. Read through the transcript to get a feel
  2. Then look for meaning units as highlighted in yellow below - you may not agree with me - I have explained my understanding of a meaning unit in italics
  3. Now see what theme dominates the meaning unit. For example in the yellow highlighted sections I have highlighted certain parts in green - these seem to be the most important/central ideas. Within these highlights - some are underlined because they seem to be governing the discussion. This is my interpretation and you may not agree - feel free to disagree.
  4. Now go back and look at the meaning units and see if they match the questions we are asking about models and change. Given these questions - would you have different meaning units - or revise them in any way? Do the same for the themes. This recursive step is important as the second time you may rethink some ideas. Do it two/three days after step 3 is completed.
  5. Finally see how the themes fit together - write a short statement about the themes (I have not given an example because you'd then be tempted to follow my model!!). We can discuss this when we meet.

Should we meet after you have done all lesson 1 of group 1 and discuss the analytic scheme and compare our analyses?

Appendix 4: The theme chart shown to students at the post-study interview

I have below a chart of the kinds of things that you all said about reading in the L&S

tutorials - the gray boxes were the things you discussed at the beginning while the blue boxes are some of the ideas expressed towards the end . Please look at this chart, ask me questions, and say if I have missed anything.

They had learnt the skills of skimming or scanning. They did not know when to skim or scan and how to use skimming, scanning, in conjunction with other strategies. Sound-centred meanings were ignored as there was no reading aloud involved.