Samples of Character Journal Entries

September 29, 2003
Under the Blood Red Sun by Graham Salisbury
Chapters 1-6
Character Journal (Tomi)

Keet Wilson makes me so mad! Who does he think he is slamming around Papa's pigeons like that? The worst part though, was when he let the pigeons go. They can't survive alone. Doesn't Keet know anything? I mean, ther's got to be something in that puny brain of his. I know Papa said not to fight with Keet because mama might lose her job and we might get kicked out of our house, but I just wish I could slam his face into a wall or leave him in our outhouse. That'll teach him a lesson. I can't believe we used to be friends.

Golden Lines

“No! Don't think like that! Don't disgrace us, Papa said. I could hear him as if he were standing next to me. Don't cause trouble and bring shame to the Nakaji name again!”

“I hate his stupid guts, I wanted to say. He's a jerk.”

“;Nakaji,' Mama said, ‘must always be a good name.'”

“If you make trouble and lose face, he told me so many times that I heard it in my sleep, you shame yourself. If you shame yourself, you shame all of us. Be above it, Tomi…that's the only way.”


Under the Blood Red Sun by Graham Salisbury
Pgs. 89-131 Chapters 9-12
Character Journal – Tomi

Dear Journal,

Last week Mose, Rico, Billy and I went to Kaka'ako to check the team's new player. He was pretty huge. We also made a new friend at Kaka'ako. For the past few days, I have been so terrified. Japanese planes were bombing us. I felt sorry for Kimi because she was more frightened than I was. I wonder where Papa is. I hope he is okay, I am really worried about him. A day ago soldiers came into our house. They made Grampa and I kill the pigeons. Today Mama and I went to the grocery store and a lot of people kept staring at us as if we were some sort of monsters. Just because we're Japanese, that doesn't mean they have to look at us like criminals! I will never forget those looks!



Golden Lines:
“But farther ahead I could hear people talking and farter behind us. It felt strange, like people were sneaking glances at us.”

Wonder Words: hissing p. 121, jackhammers p. 121, criminy p. 121
Under the Blood Red Sun

Awk, squabble, squabble. Who is this guy banging on my cage? Awk. Aye ya yai ya yai. I'm going crazy in this cage, let me out this guy keeps hitting my home! Let me out of here! The cage is open. Ahhh c'mon lets get out of here. We'll come back later!

Ah, the boy is one and master is here. Hmmm he smells like fish. I wonder if he's got food. At least he's back to care for us. Yay! We get to go on the boat. I've been wanting to exercise more, those seeds really weigh me down.

Wow, the waters are calm. Oh boy I think they're gonna let us out. Hey this kid's got soft hands. Alright, here we go. Yay! Oh boy the open sky is so beautiful, looks like we're pretty far from the island. Lets see how fast I can fly and how long it takes me to get home. I wonder if they've got dinner ready at home.